Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tiger + STEROIDS????

I've been questioning this for some time now, but have kept it between myself and some of my closest friends. Victor Conte on the other hand decided he would voice his "opinion" as well. Just so happens he and I are on the same page.

Jim Rome had this to say on his radio show today...
Disgraced steroid peddler Victor Conte decided to share some thoughts, through his Twitter, this weekend about Tiger Woods. “Wonder why Tiger has had such a strong libido?” he asked. “Could it be the same reason he gained 30 lbs of muscle? Is there possibly a connection?” I wonder what he’s getting at?

Again, nothing has been proven. But in the grand scheme of the events over the past few weeks, I wouldn't put it past him. Athletes these days are looking to take their games to the next level by whatever means necessary. They also are looking to recover faster from injuries (hmmm... Tiger had knee surgery). Innocent until proven guilty as they say. However, Elin, I wish you the best of luck. You are going to be an insanely rich woman when this is all said and done. Good for you.