Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!

It's that time of the year where we all gather around the fireplace with family and friends to enjoy eachothers presence. Everyone congregates to share stories and remember the true meaning behind Christmas. Sure, there are presents being passed around and some adult beverages in peoples hands. We all enjoy the holidays. We are all very blessed and have much to be greatful for. I hope all of you give when you can--for there are many families and children out there who cannot bring in the joy of the holidays due to financial strains. I hope you all did what you could to help them also enjoy the holiday. After all, it's the giving part that is so much more rewarding than getting a gift. Seeing someones eyes light up at the sight of presents, especially the little ones who still believe in the big white bearded guy in the red suit. Bringing cheer to someones face who never expected it, now that's special. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, from my family to yours. Please travel safe to all of your destinations over the next several days. May you smile and be thankful, and never lose sight of the true meaning behind Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!