Saturday, December 5, 2009


I was excited to see that it has been snowing all day. This is the first snow of the season. I'm even more excited that it will be warm enough tomorrow to melt everything so I don't have to go out and shovel. We are suppose to have a bad winter this year, however, I'll believe it when I see it. We probably got about 2-3 inches already here and it is still snowing but it looks like it is slowing down. Watching the snow was fun but I'm sure after it snows a couple more times this season I'll be changing my tune. I'll get a nice fire going one snowy day when I'm home from being out of town on business and enjoy the day with the whole family over. It can snow every day I'm home for all I care, just don't snow when I'm out on the road during the week and have to fight the elements for work.