Sunday, December 13, 2009

Many thanks!

The end of the year is coming up and I must say I am very blessed. I am surrounded by an incredible group of friends who support me and push me to be a better person every day. Reaching out and changing lives has always been something I felt I needed to do with my life. With fitness being my passion I feel like what I have accomplished this year alone has been very special. The emails that flood my inbox are appreciated and I answer every single email/question I get. I appreciate all the opportunities that I have had this year to write for all the many different magazines and websites. The friends in the industry that I have made over the past year and their support has been huge. I thank each and every person I came in contact with this year who I continue to stay in touch with. Much thanks to Kris Gethin, Sebastian Siegel, Whitney Reid, Rick Collins, Frances Burton, Darrell Terrell, and Obi Obadike for pushing me and believing in me. There are so many more people that I could thank here as well and could easily fill up this whole post with names. There have been ups and downs and many times I felt burnt out this year juggling my full-time job at MET-Rx and then in my spare time helping to change the face of the fitness industry and help people reach their health/fitness goals, but all my friends have gathered around me and kept me focused. I love and appreciate you all. 2010 is going to be a huge year for me, I'm sure of this. I will not let any of you down nor will I let myself down. I will continue on my path to change lives and will not rest until I have made a huge impact.