Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm jumping out of a plane to fight global cancer!!!

Hi everyone,
We all know effects of cancer. Some of us might have had it ourselves--others might have watched someone they know or love fight for their life to survive this disease. On August 21 or 22 (depending on weather conditions) I will be jumping out of a plane at 13,500 feet above Pennsylvania soil. I'm not doing this because I'm crazy (even though that's debatable), but I'm doing it for a cause and for people who are braver than I am--those fighting with cancer. I will be jumping on behalf of the LIVESTRONG Foundation and their fight to beat cancer. This foundation hits home with me and now it's my turn to do something and stand up to help those who are fighting for their lives. I hope I get the support I need to help me reach my goal of $5,000 for the foundation by the time I jump. This is very humbling experience and I hope you can all be a part of this with me. Anything you can donate for this cause will go directly to helping fight this disease. Your donation is tax-deductible for cancer research. No matter the amount, large or small, YOU can help save a life. Please help me in my journey to help others who need us and click on the link below which will take you to my webpage where you can make a donation. Thank you all for your continued support and in believing in me to help make a difference in this world! Please feel free to pass this email along to friends and family as well. The more people that know, the more help we have in fighting cancer.