Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I get asked a lot what "bands" I'm wearing. Some people wear them to look cool, others wear them because they have meaning behind them. I gotta say, the LIVESTRONG band almost has a label as being an "accessory" these days since everyone is wearing them. Some of those wearing them are truly only wearing them because of Lance Armstrong. I wear these bands for personal reasons, not for looks.
I first started wearing this band probably close to 15 years ago. My grandfather (on my father's side) passed away from cancer. It was a horrible and painful process watching him get worse and worse. His final day on this earth I can remember as if it were yesterday. He was a good man. Gone way too soon. So in his honor and remembrance, I wear the LIVESTRONG band for him. It's my own way of keeping him with me and also support all those other people fighting cancer.
I was given this band by a very special little boy. His name is Sam Bish. I met him last year. I have spoken about him a lot and he is also mentioned earlier in my blog. Sam had cancer in his leg (which was amputated) and has cancer on his lungs and also on his spine. He is fighting it with all he's got. This band it to support him in this battle and let him know that he doesn't have to do it alone. He has an incredible support team of friends and family. I was honored to spend time with him as he is one of the coolest kids I have ever met. Every day I put on that band I think of him and how strong he is. Keep fighting, Sam! I'm 100% behind you!