Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reading Hospital

Ok, I'm sounding offer here... BECAUSE THIS IS MY BLOG! If I ever have to go to the Reading Hospital for any type of surgery please just let me die. I would rather die on my own terms than in the hands of a bunch of idiots. I guess some doctors and surgeons have to graduate last in their class, guess that is the story at the Reading Hospital. There is no way that I can trust these idiots with my life. I'd rather lay on a table, cut myself open, and then nurse myself back to health on my own than have them TRY and help me. If you have someone who is diabetic, you don't give them an Ensure loaded with sugar 3x a day along with their normal meals. They come in to check their blood sugar and it's through the roof and they don't understand why so they start injecting insulin into them. The doctors nor the nurses knew she was diabetic WHEN IT IS CLEARLY MARKED IN HER FILES! Which brings me to another point... How can you expect someone to inject insulin into themselves when they have never done it and you don't make sure they understand how to do it before you release them? Seriously? Where do they find these idiots? Why does it take someone like me to walk in there and have to tell them why things are happening and how to fix them when I'm not a doctor? Now I'm not putting the whole Reading Hospital staff on blast here, just some of the doctors and nurses that I have had encounters with. I mean come on, not everyone there can be a bobblehead like the people I have had encounters with. Don't get me wrong, I have had several people contact me from a Facebook post I put up about the hospital saying they have had the same issues with family members there and they are still having issues as they continue to go there. So this isn't an isolated case. All I gotta say is, if you need to go to a hospital, you are putting your life in your own hands if you go to the Reading Hospital. I'd make the trip and find somewhere else. *end rant*