Saturday, November 28, 2009

Post Holiday recovery......

Well, the holiday is over (along with all the good food)... Time to get back on track (at least till the next holiday, hehe). I had some much needed rest and recovery time starting on Wednesday. Total of 5 days off from work feels real good right now and is allowing my brain to relax and go into sleep mode for at least a little bit before Monday rolls around again. Next time off will be Christmas which will be a HUGE vacation for me (11 days off). Spent a lot of time with family and friends which was nice considering my work travel schedule and training takes up majority of my days/weeks. Still have today and tomorrow off before I get back on the road and get back into my normal routine. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and ate a bunch of great food! Time to hit cardio hard again to make up for all those good meals! See you on the treadmill!!!!