Sunday, April 18, 2010

Looking for nominations!!!

If anyone works out at a gym which they feel is worthy of being called's featured "Gym of the Month" then please send me an email ( so we can showcase them on the website.

If anyone is working with a personal trainer and thinks they are worthy of a nomination to be called's featured "Trainer of the Month" then please send me an email ( so we can showcase them on the website.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Working on a new fitness program!

Just the other day I finished up a phone interview with a gentleman who is starting up a new fitness program and wanted me to be a part of it. It will be geared towards young athletes who are trying to train smarter to help them get to the next level. The program will include fitness experts from across the US and I am honored to be included in this project. Look for more information on this program in the next couple of months to find out more juicy details of when it will be available!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Looking for a great preworkout supplement? Look no further! This is my personal favorite and my workouts are never the same if I don't use it. No need to look for multiple products to take, instead use AMPED! This all in one preworkout drink has everything you need to help you recover quicker, give you energy, give you an insane pump, and help you focus during your workouts. Don't take my word for it. Check out this awesome review!